By HL Thomas
Cantaloupe is a melon that is low in calories, sweet and very enticing to people that love fruit. It is one of the most popular melons in the US. Cantaloupes are usually in season during the summer months. There are many great benefits that your body will enjoy from eating cantaloupe. How many calories are in cantaloupe? Cantaloupe calories depend on the size and servings. One cup of diced melon is 55 calories. If you eat one ounce of cantaloupe in your diet, it would be approximately 10 calories. Ten scopes of melon balls is actually around 47 calories. One whole small melon is approximately 150 calories. The average melon that people purchase is medium in size and this type of melon is approximately 175 calories. If you decide to eat a large cantaloupe, you will be consuming approximately 225 calories.
It is not usual for people to enjoy just a slice of melon for breakfast or lunch. One slice approx. 1/8 in. from a large cantaloupe is around 35 calories. If the melon is medium in size a 1/8 in. of a slice is 23 calories. An 1/8 in. slice of cantaloupe from a small melon is 19 calories. There are many other things to enjoy about a cantaloupe such as the vitamin A which is great for the skin. It is a fruit that is loaded in beta carotene which is essential for the eyesight. Cantaloupe is also a great anti-cancer fruit.
Another great source from cantaloupe is vitamin C and its antioxidant properties which fights off free radicals and repair any damaged cells in the body. Cantaloupe will help build the white blood cells which are used to fight viruses and other bacterial illness. It's great for the enhancing the health of your lungs. If you are a person that is constantly inhaling second hand smoke, you should include cantaloupe in your daily diet. The added vitamin A from cantaloupe will lower your risk for any type of lung diseases such as emphysema. Cantaloupe is a fruit used for patients with heart disease because of its blood thinning properties. Thinning the blood with reduce the chance of any clots passing through the heart.