By HL Thomas
ADHD is a disorder that impacts children and adults. People with ADHD have very short attention spans, comprehension problems, impaired judgment, no good organizational skills and forgetful. Many medical specialists believe the condition is due to problems with the part of the brain that control external stimulus functions. Many physicians are treating children and adults with ADHD prescription medications. The pills tend to have very harsh side effects. However, there are home remedies that will help ease the symptoms of ADHD.
Many people with disorder are on very poor daily diets and this can impact the effects of ADHD. Try to cut down on sugar consumption. Sugar is known to reduce the brain's ability to respond properly. Eat less sugary foods and substitute sugar with honey. It is very common for people with ADHD to have food allergies. Most are allergies to red, blue and yellow food dyes. It can trigger the disorder, so avoid foods with dyes. Limit soft drinks that are high in sugar, it could trigger hyperactivity. People with the disorder should avoid a lot of exposure in the sunlight. Sometimes season changes and sunlight will induce the symptoms of ADHD.
Using herbs and supplements to treat ADHD is growing in popularity. People are now taking non-traditional approaches to treating the disorder. Supplements are a much safer alternative for effective treatment for ADHD. Children with ADHD that take a low amount of Zinc show less hyperactivity. The children were also less compulsive while taking Zinc. Overall there symptoms did improve the same as traditional prescription medication. Zinc can be found in seafood, red meats, dairy products, beans, poultry, nuts, cereals and grains. Fish oil is used for many health reasons and it can be used for ADHD symptoms too. The fish oil is load in good fatty acid called Omega-3. Children between the ages of 8 to 12 showed improved mental, emotional and organizational skills while taking 1 fish oil supplement per day. Some people combine Fish oil with evening primrose oil and saw improvements in thinking, speech, less hyperactivity, more alertness and better behavior. Fish oil is naturally found in salmon, trout, tuna, mackerel, sardines and herring.
St. John's Wort is used for insomnia, anxiety and depression. Unfortunately, it did show any positive changes in ADHD symptoms. It actually increased hyperactivity and disorganization in children. Melatonin did improve sleep in children and adults with ADHD, but did not decrease any of the symptoms. Ginseng and Ginkgo does improve the overall symptoms of the disorder. Inositol and GABA supplements did reduce moodiness in children. Many children and adults with ADHD also have iron deficiencies. Once they were given iron, the symptoms did improve.
People need to improve their dietary and supplemental intake on a regular basis. Take the supplements as suggested on the label. Taking too many supplements can induce a toxic effect. An increase amount of iron can be deadly. Before you try supplements for ADHD symptoms, consult with your physician first for advice. If you are taking medication, some supplements can interfere with the effectiveness of the drug.